Video F


In questa pagina troverete i collegamenti a video postati su varie pagine facebook , da me selezionati in una raccolta personale.

How Humans Build Racial Bias into Algorithms

10 Big Climate Solutions in 2018

Pythagorean Triangle Hacks

The garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean is three times the size of France

Scientists say climate change could be making you less intelligent

Una insegnante promuove a scuola un metodo speciale per il saluto tra alunni

Pasolini aveva già compreso cosa sarebbe successo all’Italia di oggi.

Abu Ghraib: ricordi di tortura

National Temperature Anomalies 1880-2017

The Story of Microfibers

What would happen if you didn’t drink water?

How trees secretly talk to each other

3 oil pipelines our planet could do without

90% of plastic in the ocean comes from 10 rivers

One of the world’s largest oceanic dead zones is getting even bigger

The US has built the world’s fastest supercomputer

Phone Addiction

Tech Buddies: Building Technology Skills Through Peer Teaching

How small are we in the scale of the universe?

Pianist Ludovico Einaudi In The Arctic Ocean